Additionally, when you’re trying to maintain or lose bodyfat, working out usually can’t cancel out all the excess calories of a poor diet.
The Glycemic Index is a scale from zero to 100 that represents a relative rise in blood sugar levels two hours after consuming food
Science vs. real world tips and tricks to optimizing your diet – and you gains!
Yes, you can stay on your program and enjoy healthy fast food too!
...there are certain foods you should include in your nutrition plan to help boost immunity.
There are tips and tricks you can implement into your nutrition plan and meals to help you feel more satiated
Plenty of protein will also give your body the anabolic drive to rebuild, repair, and grow your muscles in response to strength training
...small frequent meals, high protein, adequate fiber, and staying well hydrated (with water that is!) can help control our hunger
Low-caloric-density foods typically provide less fat and more water and fiber. And that is what makes you feel full and shuts down your hunger.