When it comes to choosing a New Year’s resolution, many of us take the “Go Big or Go Home” route. While there’s nothing wrong with picking one epic goal, sometimes it’s the smaller ones that have a higher success rate. Here are 10 random New Year’s resolutions that are easy to achieve AND good for your mind, body, and soul.
1. Go to Bed 30 Minutes Earlier.

Resist the urge to watch another Netflix episode or scroll through another social media feed. When you’re yawning about as much as you’re breathing, it’s time to pack it in for the night. Not only will getting more sleep give you more energy for your next hardcore workout, it will aid your body in muscle recovery and repair to support a more impressive frame. Aim for a solid eight hours of sleep per night, and you’ll see and feel the difference in no time.
2. Pay it Forward.
With this goodwill movement, people repay acts of kindness with goodness towards others – rather than the original benefactor – to keep a momentum of kindness going. For example, someone does something nice for you… and you do something nice for someone else. The movement has become so popular that 80 countries around the world now celebrate Pay It Forward Day on April 28th. This year, do some paying forward of your own by buying a coffee for the person in line behind you, lifting groceries for an elderly, or any other good deed.
3. Train in Increments.

We all know we should be getting at least 30 minutes of heart-pumping exercise per day, five days per week. But if you’re new to the whole fitness lifestyle, going from 0 to 30 can be a daunting task. Even guys who’ve been working out for years sometimes struggle to find the time to train. If blocking out 30 to 60 minutes in one stretch just isn’t doable, try exercising in smaller chunks – like a quick jog here, or some chest presses there. Every little bit counts.
4. Drink More Water.
Make H20 your friend in the new year by always carrying a reusable water bottle with you. You’ll experience a sharper mind, better mood, and stronger body by keeping hydrated. Water is a zero-calorie beverage that helps keep you full and ensures your body is running as efficiently as possible. At the same time, avoid high-sugar sodas and fruit drinks that can add a little more love than you wanted to your love handles.
5. Hit the Great Outdoors.

For many people, weekends are just one giant to-do list of tasks that didn’t get done during the week. Things like cleaning out the garage, doing home repairs, and chauffeuring your kids to sports will quickly eat away at your weekend if you let them. Amid the craziness, find some time to get outdoors – no matter what the weather. Go for a bike ride, play a game of pick-up basketball, or go for a plain old walk around your neighborhood. The combination of fresh air and exercise will do your body good.
6. Sit Down to Eat.
Want an easy way to keep your portions in check? Grab a chair and take a seat. When you eat while doing a million other things, you’re more likely to consume more calories. Alternatively, sitting down to eat, especially with friends or family, forces you to chew more slowly and acknowledge feelings of fullness. Just as important, it can foster deeper connections. The Mealtime Movement – which aims to get more American families around the dinner table – puts it best: “Meals feed the body. Mealtime feeds the relationship.”
7. Grab a Book.

According to SocialMediaToday.com, the average person spends nearly two hours on social media every day, which translates to a total of 5 years and 4 months spent over a lifetime. A great way to disconnect from tech is to start reading traditional books again. Whether you choose the latest supernatural fiction or a real-life bio on your favorite business mogul, reading can help boost brain power, reduce stress, develop empathy, and even improve sleep quality. According to the Mayo Clinic, creating a ritual of reading before bed sends a signal to your body that it’s time to wind down, which helps you ease into a better sleep.
8. Get More Greens.
Remember sitting at the dinner table as a child, pushing your broccoli from side to side on your plate in protest? If you’re still not keen on greens, you should rethink your stance. Many green foods, like spinach and broccoli, are considered “super foods” because of their high antioxidant content. Each serving packs plenty of Vitamin A, C, E, and other important nutrients. You don’t have to completely switch to a vegetarian diet; just aim to add one extra serving of greens to your day. Pack some snap peas for a healthy snack at work, or grab a salad at lunch topped with a lean grilled chicken breast.
9. Packs Some Protein.
Speaking of chicken breasts, our list wouldn’t be complete without a protein reminder. Protein is essential for all bodily functions, and helps you get that lean, muscular frame you’ve been looking for. High-protein foods also help you stay full, satisfied, and less likely to binge on unhealthy foods. If time is an issue, adding more protein to your day can be as simple as whipping up a high-protein shake for breakfast when you’re on the go.
10. Give Thanks.
Today, being grateful is a trend in and of itself. You’ve probably seen your girlfriend or wife writing in gratitude journals or posting inspirational quotes online. So, what does giving thanks have to do with your fitness? In a recent article in the National Communication Association’s Review of Communication, the authors found that expressing gratitude was directly linked to psychological and physical well-being. As they stated, “Gratitude consistently associates with many positive social, psychological, and health states, such as an increased likelihood of helping others, optimism, exercise, and reduced reports of physical symptoms.” This year, make a conscious effort to be grateful for what you have, and your health will thank you back.
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